Weekend trip to mumbai (daddy writes)
We were meaning to make a quick trip to mumbai for sometime as great-grammy was missing Mihir a lot. We decided to make the trip over the weekend and went on Saturday morning. Mihir was visiting after a gap of 3 months and has completely forgotten everyone in Mumbai. He was looking at everyone with suspicion and was not ready to be away from daddy or mommy for even a short while. Eventually he became ok with Anu maushi and granny, but not at all with grampa and great-grammy.
On Saturday evening we went to Kandivli to visit Abha. Abha is the daughter of Amruta and Amol Botle. Amruta is mommy's first cousin. Abha is a very sweet baby, she is 40 days younger than Mihir.
When the two kids first met, Abha pulled at Mihir's hair and that was enought to set him off crying. After things cooled down, the two met again - this time in a very composed manner....something like two heads of state. And just like visiting foreign dignitaries exchange flags, the two babies exchanged their teethers and then sat down chewing them. It was fun watching the two of them together. This calm did not last very long though, both of them started pulling each other's hair, so we eventually separated them.
Amruta has clicked a few better pictures of the two together, I will upload them on the site when she sends them to us.For now, here is what I have - Abha and Mihir after the Teether exchange!

hmmm...your teether looks better than mine

We returned from Mumbai a couple of hours ago. Mihir was a little scared in the car and cried a bit. It was probably beause it was dark on the highway and inside the car too...he is fine since we reached home.
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