At the hospital
The hospital was a nice place. The doctors were good too. There was Dr. Amish and Dr. Kunal and all the nurses and 'aayas' who took care of me. Their timings were good too...they used to pick me up at 5 every morning and give me a nice hot bath. Anyways I dont like to sleep at night...I mean, its so boring ! I really dont know why people switch off the lights at night...why dont they just keep them on?
I love looking at the flouroscent lights and I used to get very upset when they turned them off.I made sure I told them about it.
Daddy says I started learning new tricks on day 2itself. Like the time when I managed to remove my hand from all the wrappings and put it into my mouth (it was yummy !) right on day 2. Daddy has clicked pictures of that too. (Daddy - why are you not uploading it here ?)
daddy:Ok dear, here it is.

Trick 1, Day 2

Then on the 2nd of Jan, Ajay Kaka, Preeti Aatya, Athu dada and my other granny came down from Pune to meet me. My gramps was tired after the long return journey from hyderabad and did not come to Mumbai. I slept most of the time.

with Athu dada, Pune aaji and Preeti Atya

There were many many other visitors every day too - there was Maushi aaji, Shilpa and Preeti maushi, Milind Kaka, the Tamhane family, Mami aaji from Kandivli and many others.
Daddy used to give me company in the nights on some days and my granny stayed for a couple of nights when he was in Pune. I would always want to play with him but he wanted to sleep :(
Finally it became a questions of 'who wins' and I did :)
Daddy used to hold me in his arms and pace the hospital up and down to put me to sleep.
I did get to play some games though - when daddy walked me up and down, I would pretend to be asleep and then surprise him when he tried to put me down ! Or like when the girl nextdoor cried, I tried to match her volume with my own. Daddy said the place 'resonates' - whatever that means.
Then one night when the girl nextdoor started a nappy race with me.
That day soemthing was wrong with our stomachs and the nurses had to change our nappies and clothes so many times that they ran out of clothes at 6 AM. She got the last available pair of clothes and I had to wait for half an hour until the next fresh batch of clothes arrived.
So i won !!
The hospital was fun indeed.
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