Day 4: Washout
I didn't want to go to school today but I went anyways. Daddy drove me. I did not cry at all. And I wore this new dress.

Daddy: On the contrary, school was a complete disaster today. I think the timing was wrong. Yesterday we went a little early so we were the only ones so he did not cry. Today we reached at the same time with a few other kids. Seeing them cry, this guy just burst into tears and refused to get off and go. The teacher took him away against his wish and he cried even more. He was much better when he came out after an hour though. And he denies he cried at all...mommy, gramma, grampa all asked him whether he cried and he completely denies it. He tells them that he had fun and the other children were crying !
But isnt it mostly like that children see the other kids cry and that precipitates into a full blown cry festival!!
I remember my sr kg first day too, because i was fine until the other kids started howling from then on my mom and dad had a tough time cajoling me and my wicked teacher pulled me in
Next time get the timing right or hopefully he will be used to it now
you mean you cried in sr KG too?
Hahaha yes I did *turns red*
And I still did, at my sisters wedding, i guess some moments in life just are the same for everyone
tee hehehehehe....
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