Saturday, September 22, 2007

Mihir at 2 years and 9 months

- Has learned that adding an 's' to anything is used to identify the plural. He probably picked that up in school and he uses it everywhere, even with Marathi words. His usage '1 kaju, 2 kajus', '1 khurchi, 2 khurchis', '1 pakshi, 2 pakshis' and so on.

- Makes it a point to not miss the 4 Pm cookery show on Zee Marathi hosted by Prashant Damle(Aamhi Saare Khavaiye) everyday. Applies his observations from that show to his play. These days he uses real ingredients like Rajma seeds, Cashew nuts, etc with this play utensils and does 'real' cooking operations on them (like he sees on that show) - including cutting, chopping, refrigerating, soaking etc. He then 'serves' his dishes to us.

- Becomes impatient at birthday parties and asks for cake even before it is cut :) Puts us in a somewhat embarrassing spot but explaining to him that this is not how it is done is yet to yield results.

- Keeps referring to his teacher and school every now and then. Also comes home with bruises and bumps almost everyday but does not tell us how he got them.

- Bath is a big pain everyday. Always associated with high decibel levels.

- Attends my conference calls sometimes (I take most of my calls from home). He says a lot of things on the call, thankfully the phone has a mute button. (On some calls, he is the only one who talks sense).

- 'Listens' to TV soaps while playing, doesn't watch much. Yet that day there was a picture of Smita Talwalkar and her daughter-In-law in some magazine and he correctly told his aaji which soap either acts in. ("Hi na aaji, Abhilaasha madhye aste and ti ahe na, ti Asambhav madhye aste").



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