Saturday, February 25, 2006

Daddy provides an update

Has anyone tried to put sqeezed toothpaste back into the tube? I have'nt tried, but it should be a lot simpler than getting a one year old to pee in a bottle.

We had been to the doctor again today and she recommended some investigations. The hospital ambience wasn't "just right" - the other kids' crying making him wail even more. So there we were, Mommy and I, in the hospital parking lot, making hissing sounds to Mihir who was smiling at us with his pants down. He had already decided not to oblige though and was only interested in getting control of the bottle. As always, he succeeded, so we have to make the trip to the hospital again on Monday morning with the urine sample.

We had never imagined this exercise would be included under 'Parenting'. Passers by were looking at us with curiosity, disgust, empathy, sympathy and other emotions which I do not have words for.

A thought just brushed my mind then...if it was so difficult for us together, how would single parents be handling(literally and figuratively) such situations? At least two people are required, as we know now - one person to hold the baby with both hands, the other to ensure that the subject and object remain together.

Humor aside, all is apparently not well with our lil prince. The doctor said his digestive system has an acute infection and has prescribed medicines. His diet is to only have fluids and nothing else. Hope he feels better soon.

Monday, February 20, 2006

la Francais

When I started learning to speak, I thought I'd do something different so I picked up French. Unfortunately none of the people around me understand what i speak and that becomes very irritating I tell you.

My daddy has not been updating the blog regularly these days and I told him so (in French).

Yesterday evening I played on the slide with Aniket Dada and Purva tai. The slide was exciting, I am going to go there again today!

Sunday, February 12, 2006

another unwell weekend

Down with very high fever (104.5 deg F on Saturday night). Refuses food and drink.
Cries inconsolably if we try to measure temperature/give medicines. Doctor said this is owing to an infection of the respiratory tract, medicines being administered.

The fever went away immediately, but the cold and cough remain. He just refuses food altogether and that leaves us very worried. He has become very cranky and bursts into tears at the drop of a hat. Doctors visits are going on.

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Things Tigers do

At 13 months, here are the things that the tiger does most often

1. Speaks a lot of words - Disla, Havay, Pa-Pa, Ga-Ga (vdos on my laptop), ba-ba, mamma, aba, aaji

2. Recognises people's clothes - Points to daddy's shirt and says 'baba' and so on

3. Loves his cartoon video - Can fill in the missing words if you sing the songs from the video

4. Picks up daddy's lunch bag and goes to the door - almost like he's going to office

5. Puts daddy's socks on his lap and puts them to sleep (!)

6. Opens his books to the page where there is a picture of a dog and says 'bhu-bhu'

7. Ask him his name, he smiles and says 'Mi-Hi'.

Sunday, February 05, 2006

The latest top 10

Daddy has been doing a good job lately and has moved up the ranks pretty quickly. Surprise exits are my blue toothbrush. Read on

1. Mommy
2. Aaji
3. Aaba
4. Jingle Toons Video
5. Daddy
6. Aniket Dada's bicycle
7. Aniket Dada
8. Yellow ball (the one that Karishma maushi sent me)
9. Daddy's laptop computer
