Thursday, June 14, 2007

Day 5: It will get worse before it gets better

Daddy writes:
We had to stop the car twice en route to negotiate. He put in very plain: "I don't want to go to school, I don't like it there." Even while I drove, he hid his face in his palms and sobbed. But we did reach school and whether I liked it or not, I "handed him over" to the teacher.
To make matters worse, today's schedule was a full 65 minutes. I was not allowed to wait in the premises and spent all the time on the road. When he came back he seemed ok. He's got back a scratch on his nose but he wont tell how he got it.

If I survive tomorrow, I will have earned my weekend.

<15 June> He did not cry at all today!

Day 4: Washout

I didn't want to go to school today but I went anyways. Daddy drove me. I did not cry at all. And I wore this new dress.

Daddy: On the contrary, school was a complete disaster today. I think the timing was wrong. Yesterday we went a little early so we were the only ones so he did not cry. Today we reached at the same time with a few other kids. Seeing them cry, this guy just burst into tears and refused to get off and go. The teacher took him away against his wish and he cried even more. He was much better when he came out after an hour though. And he denies he cried at all...mommy, gramma, grampa all asked him whether he cried and he completely denies it. He tells them that he had fun and the other children were crying !

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Day 3: Surprise

Daddy and I went to school. Daddy dropped me at the gate and promised to stand there till I came back. I went to Uma teacher and stayed in the school for 40 minutes without crying. I dont know why all the other kids were crying so much. Neither do I know why daddy had packed so many tissue papers in my bag.

School: Day 2

I wore new clothes in the morning and took my water bottle and tiffin to school. Daddy drove mommy and me to school but did not come inside the gate, only mommy did. I continued to cling to mommy, there were even more kids crying wildly. There was no singing today, just some play. One boy threw some sand at me from the sand pit and I did not like that.

Daddy: The real "thing" starts tomorrow. Starting tomorrow, parents will not be allowed inside the gate, so a lot of crying is expected. In the orientation that they had arranged for parents, they told us to be ready for heavy crying, vomitting, etc but according to them it is "normal".

Saturday, June 09, 2007

School: Day 1

Yesterday was my first day at school. Everyone at home looked more excited than I was, but thats ok, they're still growing up.

My school is called Sapling Nursery and I have been admitted to Playgroup Lambs.

I got up in the morning and got ready. Daddy and Mommy took me to school. My teacher's name is Uma Teacher and she was at the gate to receive me.There was also a bunch of other kids there but I preferred not to talk to any of them. I clung to my mommy (mommy and daddy were both with me in the classroom) most of the time. There were a few kids who were crying like mad, I am not sure what was wrong with them. The others were generally playing. After some time there was this music teacher who played the Keyboard and we all sang songs, said a prayer and went home. Here are my pics on school day, there is also a small video clip here
