Catching up
Daddy was a lil busy (spellt as l.a.z.y) so he did not update the blog for a few days, heres the catchup on everything that happened in between.
Week ending 2nd July:
Anu Maushi was in Pune with her two "best friends" from school. Neha Maushi and Ashu Maushi. They spent the weekend at Ashu Maushi's apartment but came over to our place for brunch on Sunday. I liked both of them. Ashu Maushi is an air-hostess and Neha Maushi is a hair-engineer. Neha Maushi has offered me a free hair-cut but Ashu Maushi hasnt offered me a free ride yet. Anyways they spent a lot of time playing with me and so did Anu maushi.
Heres a pic of the 3 musketeers:

Anu Maushi, Neha Maushi and Ashu Maushi

Week ending 9th July:
Daddy and gramma were out to Sangli on the 4th and 5th to attend Anand Kaka's wedding.
I stayed behind with mommy and Ajoba. I did not cry. Even though they did not get back anything for me.
On the 08th was Ajoba's birthday. He turned 64. I went to Mumbai with mommy that morning.
I met Sheu Maushi for the first time ever (she arrived in Mumbai on the 2nd). She is pretty cool. Shes got me a lot of gifts and we clicked many pictures together. Daddy was to pick us up on Sunday, but there were these sudden riots in Mumbai that day so he stayed back. Things were fine by Sunday evening so I came back with mommy by bus on Monday morning.
From then until date:
Daddy fell sick on the 13th when he came back from office and had fever for 5 days at a stretch.
He passed it on to all of us and we all fell sick turn by turn. Everyone is somewhat better now but Ajoba is still a little feverish and I still have an upset stomach, cold and cough. We have an impressive range of medicines, each of us. Apparently it is some viral fever thats going around these days.
We missed Ajay kaka's birthday (13th july), Athu Dada's birthday (20th July) and Anand Kakas birthday (21July) and could not go to eat cake.
daddy writes:
Another event which happened in between was the unfortunate blasts in mumbai on 7/11. The government of india, in its attempt to crackdown on some fundamentalist blogs, decided to block all 'blogspot' blogs so our very own blog could not be seen from India for almost the entire last week. They've seen the light now and we are back to blogging.