Birthday Party
We did not have a separate birthday party this year...the thing is, there was already a new year party planned with our friends in Toronto and one more party just one day earlier would have been "one too many". So we cut a cake in the new year's party instead.
It was a little difficult for both sets of grandparents, Preeti Atya, Ath, Ajay Kaka and also Sanket Kaka, Jui and Snehal Kaku back home since this is the first time they were not present for my party - we used to have so much fun together every year.
I got a "Cake-o-saurus" design cake. We had Pizza and Chicken Nuggets as snacks. There was dinner later in the evening (that was part of the New year Party). It was a fun evening.
From Mihir turns 7 |
From Mihir turns 7 |
From Mihir turns 7 |
L to R: Reya, Nishita, Aarav, Mihir, Akshit, Radhika and Aaditya. Behind: Aaryan.