8 years old !
We celebrated my birthday in San Francisco. Anand kaka had booked a restaurant - Vedas for dinner for all of us. He even ordered a Kung fu Panda cake :)
The dinner was a bit of a confusion - Sheu maushi, D Kaka and Ira came a bit late and had to leave almost immediately when Ira became uncomfortable. This was her first social outing ! Anand Kaka, Shraddha Kaku, Vihaan, Anu Maushi, Prathamesh Kaka, Aaji - Ajoba were all there of course and we had a good time.
Prathamesh Kaka took a lot of pictures, so did Anand Kaka and Ajoba - will post some of them here when we get those from them.
I received my birthday gifts well in advance, on reaching SFO itself - a guitar, a HUGE telescope, an electronics game set and even a laptop bag ! Thats a lot of gifts :)